Are you looking for happiness? Most people are in one form or another. It’s not too often that you hear someone say, “I’m just trying to be as miserable as I can be.” We like to feel good. We like to be happy. It isn’t easy though. Happiness can seem elusive and ephemeral. Just when you think you’ve found it, the situation changes and you’ve lost it again.
Sometimes it makes us wonder, “Can we find lasting happiness?” It’s a deep question - too deep for our purposes here today - but I would like to put forth an idea that can get us much closer to that goal, paradoxical though it may seem.
How is happiness typically displayed today? How are people encouraged to find it? You can find images and videos of the happiest people you will ever see in any number of advertisements for any number of products. The advertisements seem to say, “Just buy this item or eat this food or visit this place, and you can be as happy as the people you see.” If only it were so simple! If only it were about the things we had or the places we visited. Then the solution is simple. Just buy those things or visit those places and happiness is achieved! Right?