Stephanie was all set and nervously said “Hit it!” Shortly after the boat moved forward, she felt the pull. She was up! It felt great! Then a little fear came. "What was she supposed to do if she fell?" Just as that thought went through her mind, she hit a wave and crashed into the water. The last thing she was told was, “Don’t let go of the rope.” With this thought etched into her mind, she held on for dear life. Her mind was racing, "Why am I not supposed to let go of the rope? Will they not be able to find me? Will I sink? Where did the skis go? I can’t hold on much longer because my grip is loosening, and I can’t catch a breath."
Just as that last thought came to her, the pulling stopped, and she slowly sank into the water. She was still holding on to the rope. After what seemed like minutes, but was really seconds, she could hear her family telling her to let go of the rope. “But you told me not to let go of the rope.” There was a bit of laughter, then some understanding started to take place. She had a life jacket on that would keep her afloat. Both skis had come off but were close enough that she could either swim to them or they could troll over to them in the boat and secure them. Her family had raised an orange flag to signal to others that there was someone in the water, which was a signal for them to keep a safe distance.