During a class in college, we talked about a subject that caught my attention - the fact that the brain can grow and change in physical structure. This fact was found by imaging the brains of London cab drivers. These drivers are required to memorize every street of London before they can become a driver. They study for four years before they take the test. Their brains were imaged before studying, during studying, and after taking the test. It was found that their hippocampus had physically grown. Their brains had adapted to be able to match the required task at hand.
The brain can grow new neurons to perform what it is being conditioned to do. Because of this ability, the human body has an incredible ability to change to meet whatever circumstances it must face. Through life changes, such as having a child or getting married, the brain will physically change to give the person the ability to perform the new tasks required of them. Some people train for so long that they gain almost super-human abilities in physical or mental abilities.
Growing new neurons is very healthy for the brain and is correlated with living longer and healthier. Therefore a dedication to life-long learning is so important. Exercising and reading are two of the things that have been found to grow neurons and help the brain live longer. Something that does little to help the brain stay healthy is watching television.