Gratefully I have a friend that was willing to help me make this repair. I called the auto parts store and asked if they had the part I needed. They said they did, but it was the last one. They were willing to put it on hold for me so I could go pick it up the next day. My wise and experienced friend had suggested he come and take off the bad purge valve and take it in with him to ensure we got the right part. As it turns out, the bad purge valve was not the same part the auto parts store had in stock. Again, grateful to the wise friend who had experienced this and knew that taking the old part with him to compare and get the right part would save on time and make his efforts more effective. He then went to a few other places and was able to locate the correct part and replace it quite easily. In the process I noted that it was time for an oil change and to check the other fluids in my car. As I took care of these things, I did get the results I was seeking.
This brought me to think about how many times we have things we are trying to repair or work on in our personal lives, in our family or friend circles, in our education, or in our work, and it just isn’t syncing up? My check engine light wouldn’t be fixed by getting a car wash or adding air to the tires. How many times do we try to repair or come up with a solution to something and we don’t get the results we were anticipating?