Anger. Bad Drivers. The World Ending. What do these things have in common?
In the Bible, we are told: “Ask, and ye shall receive, seek and ye shall find.” Interestingly, there is no limit on what we shall receive or find, meaning that there is no promise that we will be protected from finding bad things, incorrect things, or things we shouldn’t be seeking.
In other words, the phrase “Ask, and ye shall receive, seek and ye shall find,” could be viewed as both a promise and a warning.
If I want to find issues or weaknesses in my spouse, I will. If I want to find reasons to not interact with my neighbors, I will. If I want to find ways to justify my poor media choices, I will.
I am learning more and more that my mind records or catalogs the things that support my beliefs or desires inside. If I believe that politicians are corrupt, I will find evidence to support it. If I believe that the world is getting worse, I will find evidence to support it. If I do not believe in my ability to change the world, for good, I will find evidence to justify my lack of action or effort to do anything to help.
“Seek and ye shall find” might also be phrased as “your mind will find and record evidence that supports what you desire inside.” If you want to find God, you will, and you will see His hand throughout your life. If you do not want to find God, you will find a lot of coincidence or luck. What is coincidence for some is the hand of God for others, and the way each person draws a conclusion is based on what they are seeking inside.
Our beliefs and desires are like a filter. They let through information that supports our beliefs and desires, and they block out information that doesn’t support them.
Both possibilities can co-exist. There can be both bad and good drivers, the world can have very negative or very positive potentials, and we can all have the potential to change the world, for good.
I remember seeing a news story once about an important professional basketball game. The news article stated that it was one of the worst games ever for the home team and that the entire team didn’t show up to play. The article reported that the home team’s fans were booing the team, something that was extremely uncommon for this team as they usually had a very loyal fan base.
Along with the story, I expected to see a blowout loss, but the basketball team only lost by 6 points, or two shots from the three-point line. The fans of the home team were booing their team when the team only needed to make two more shots to tie the game.
I wasn’t at the game, and maybe the news article reported on how the team actually looked or felt. But, to me, something was missing, as two shots can be made in basketball in a minute or less. At what point did the fans decide that the team was without hope and start booing them?
The world needs a lot of help. What this means is that there are people all around us who need help. The world is simply a collection of people interacting with each other.
All of us know that the world has issues, but many of us feel that we are unable to make a difference, and many of us do not try. We simply sit at home, waiting for someone else to do something.
“Seek and ye shall find.” If you seek to find reasons why you can’t do anything to help the world, you will find reasons to justify not working to help.
However, if you seek to find ways you can help, you will find them. There are ways to help the world all around us, and most of them start with helping another person in need.
A few experiences that have personally impacted me:
-I was unemployed one Christmas and a family gave Christmas presents to our kids. That kindness still touches my heart to this day and makes me want to continue to give to others.
-We moved into a new home and a single mom in the neighborhood brought us a lasagna for dinner. I still remember how good that tasted that night and how appreciative I was that she would think of us.
-I don’t hear back from most clients after their legal issues are over, but I have had a few come back and express thanks for my work. Those that express thanks help give me the motivation to continue working to help others with their legal issues.
In other words, we need to be careful about what we are looking for and be intentional about what we want to find, as what we seek may make all the difference in how we perceive or see the world.
At Believe, we are working to change the world, for good. We are a community of people who are willing to work and help one another. We would love to have you join us. The world may never be the same.