The following might sound familiar to you. How many great ideas have you had in your life? An object you knew would sell and make you rich, if only you knew how to create it or had the investors to do so. Maybe it is the idea for a social media page that would go viral - if only someone with a lot of skill or followers would create it. Maybe you have a philosophy that could change the world if more people would just listen to it. You then go and tell your friends about your idea, and they either agree with you that it is the greatest idea, or they shut it down. If they agree with you, you feel good about yourself and you give yourself a pat on the back for great thinking.
Maybe you have even taken it a step forward. You thought of a great side hustle idea, so you started to research how to do it. You discussed it with a few friends to get their thoughts. You might have even brainstormed and written down some thoughts about accomplishing this business.