Both coaches became animated as angry yelling ensued. The situation grew tense very quickly as parents joined in. Jim sat and watched, as did some other parents who elected not to join the dispute. Eventually, the other coach put the same small boy back in as goalie for the remainder of the half, and the game continued.
However, Jim found himself reflecting on the situation. His son, and the other young children there, had just watched the coaches and a few parents in a verbal altercation. While Jim hadn’t become involved in the yelling, Jim wondered what his son would remember about his dad. “Did I do anything to actually help the situation?” Jim asked himself, “Or was I just trying to avoid conflict?”
What do we do when presented with a situation that involves conflict? Is there a difference between being a peacemaker and a peacekeeper? All people have a desire for peace – both inner peace and peace in our world. As Jim wondered,- we too likely wonder at times, can one person truly make a difference in making or keeping peace?