Consider all the trouble we have today, just based on our own weaknesses. We can dispense with the ill-intentioned for now as there is plenty of trouble to review just based on our own fallacies. We harm ourselves far more often than others harm us. Humans have amazing potential but living up to it has proven to be the ultimate difficulty. As a small example, look at how we use our time. We could learn so many more skills and refine so many more attributes if we didn’t waste so much time. We all know this but our weakness in resolve is placed on full display as we try to change our habits. It’s difficult. The trouble doesn’t end with what we do to ourselves, either. Our weaknesses and failings cause trouble and difficulty for those around us as well. Consider the impact our unfulfilled commitments have on others. Sometimes they are left unfulfilled because we forgot or lacked the resolve to finish a task. Other times, we can’t fulfill a commitment because a tool we need – such as a vehicle – breaks; highlighting yet another human weakness in being able to make reliable products. Our poor choices and weaknesses create massive burdens on ourselves, and those around us.
This is a rather dismal way to begin an article that includes the word ‘opportunity’ in the title, so let’s turn the narrative around. There are two main issues here that we need to deal with. The first is a person’s weaknesses that create difficulties for themselves and the second is individual weaknesses that create difficulties for others.