When a person has worked on fixing up an old car, one thing that they refuse to do is to get it wet. They do not want any part to rust, and they do not want their carefully polished cars to get covered in mud or anything dropped in the rain. So, the rain on the day of the car show meant that no old or restored cars came to the car show.
People from the neighborhood did still drive to the church to see the car show. They did not know that rain would stop the cars from being there. I watched helplessly as car after car of people coming to view the restored cars pulled into the parking lot, drove around the building, and then left, confused as to why there was no car show.
When I read his statement, I immediately knew where I had gone wrong with the car show. The car show was my work. God gave miracles to those that were doing His work, not their own work.
This simple statement from Hudson Taylor has helped me to understand more about how I see the world. As I reflected on my prayers, I realized that they were a long list of things I wanted God to do for me – take away some pain or sickness, help me be happy, get a better job, etc.
I wasn’t praying and asking God what I could do for Him. God had given me a body, a family, a beautiful earth, a free country, technology, and all kinds of nice things that the world had never known. I could travel freely, choose what to study in school, learn almost anything, and enjoy foods from all around the world.
With all that God had given me already, why were my prayers focused on Him giving me more things or changing more of my unfavorable situations? Why did I never ask God what He needed me to do to be a part of His work?
Whether or not you believe in God, the principle I discovered is that life is about more than just us. There are all types of worthy goals and causes to be a part of and pursue. For example, if you have been blessed by your country, have you ever asked what you can do to keep your country alive and well?
If you have been the recipient of gratitude or friendship, have you ever asked how you can be grateful or a friend to others?
When I stopped looking inward so much and started looking outward more, asking where my skills, personality, talents, or resources could be used to help, I saw things in a very different way.
Life is more meaningful when we connect to the higher powers and principles that are at work in our lives. Truth is at work and always will be. The more we can become a part of all that truth has to offer us, the more fulfilling, happy, and peaceful our life will be.
Take time this week to ask what you can do for someone or something else. In that answer, you may find that a lot of the other questions and problems you have been dealing with may somehow be resolved. We are each part of something bigger than ourselves. When we contribute to the bigger picture, our lives change in neat and meaningful ways. The shift in how we see and experience the world changes so much inside and helps to dispel the darkness, doubt, fears, and uncertainties inside.
We are all people of value. We are all needed. We all have a part to play in the grand scheme of things. To find our place, we just need to start asking where we might be of help.
Believe is building a community of individuals who are willing to contribute to making the world a better place. Each of us has the power and capacity to change the world, for good. We would love to have you join us. You may never be the same.