There is a story though that has often made me reflect on what I believe about myself or the power of my own actions. It is the story of the boy that finds a beach full of starfish who are stuck in the sun when the tide went out. An old man sees the boy throwing starfish back into the sea, and he chides the boy, telling him that there is no way he can save all of them. The boy, undaunted, picks up another starfish, throws it into the sea, and says “But I helped that one.”
Just because the world is full of more problems than we can help with does not mean that we shouldn’t do something for someone else. Each of us has the divine power and potential within us to touch and change a human life. Do I believe that though? Do I really believe that power rests within me to really do or change anything? Or, do I sit by, letting opportunities to help pass by?
Why try though? Why spend the time helping another person when we have other things to be doing?