The World is Yours to Shape

Come Rise to the Calling Within

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~You are great~

~You are more than this~

~You are here for something important~

Have you felt these whispers? Do you hunger for something more meaningful than the day-to-day?

You touch the world, everyday. Your presence, your words, your actions, and your beliefs all shape our world.

Fulfillment in life does not come from coasting along with whatever the world throws your way. Rather, it comes as you undertake the efforts to shape and change the world around you.

When you become intentional about the life you live and align it with your beliefs, your impact can significantly increase, and you will find the deeper joy and fulfillment that the whispers point you towards.

Our minds are programmed to record what has happened so we can learn and adapt. Oftentimes we get so entrenched in what is and what has been that we stop considering what could be.

The Wright Brothers believed flying was possible and worked toward it, even though history and all their failed attempts said otherwise.

Our brains will try and use our past to predict the future, and if gone unchecked, our past will stop us from trying in order to avoid failure and keep us safe.

Believing is being intentional with what we are striving for, and not letting the doubts from our minds or past experiences slow us down.

Believing isn't a one time event or declaration. It's more than being sure about something. It's struggling against our inner desires of immediate comfort and security in order to grow and become more than we are today, as individuals and as a society. Believing is a journey of creation, shaping, and changing.

Show others you believe

What you feel should have an expression in what you wear. You can help others to strengthen their belief as well.

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